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Will I be reimbursed for my lost wages in California after a car crash?
The other day we had a client come in who had been injured in a car wreck in California, and amongst one of the parts of her claim was that she couldn’t work.Because she couldn’t work, she had what’s called a lost wages claim. The question that she asked us was, “How does lost wage reimbursement work?” We begin by documenting or providing documentation of how much you were making, and we compile an estimate of how much you lost as a result of your inability to work over a period of time. That documentation, be it W9s or documentation from your employer, is then sent over to the other side and that begins the wage loss reimbursement process.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured after a motor vehicle wreck and have questions about lost wage reimbursement in California?
Contact our California car injury lawyers at Bish & Cutting, APC today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation.
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