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What Can I Do If I Was Hit By a Car as a Pedestrian?
The other day, a gentleman called my office. He had been involved in a collision with a vehicle as a pedestrian. He wanted to know in what ways his claim might be different than some others. One of the differences between a pedestrian injury and an injury when you’re in a vehicle is that when you’re in a car, you have airbags around you, you have a metal frame, doors and windshields; you’re protected. As a pedestrian, there’s nothing protecting you from that other vehicle. Quite often, we see people that when hit, people can be pulled under the vehicles, thrown many feet away from the vehicle, and they quite often have very significant injuries including broken bones, severe scarring from road rash, etc. In those ways, being hit by a car as a pedestrian can be far different than when you’re in a vehicle.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured by a motor vehicle while walking, running, or jogging and have questions about pedestrian injury claims?
Contact our California pedestrian Injury attorneys at Bish & Cutting, APC today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation.
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Out of Town Legal Resources
I talked to a young man recently who had concerns about his pedestrian accident claim in New York. We practice in California but we found these New York personal injury lawyers that did a great job with their online legal resources. If you or someone you know has questions or concerns about pedestrian injury claims in New York, take a look at their online New York Pedestrian Accident Guide.